
The Most Dangerous Man on the Planet

Brian Murphy

September 20, 2019

This video is of 12 minutes duration.


Hello. I'm Brian Murphy and I live in Southern California. I'm here to talk to all men of goodwill, Christians and especially Roman Catholics, about the most dangerous man on the planet. The most dangerous man on the planet is not a country leader or a leader of nations with nuclear weapons. The most dangerous man on the planet's name is Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as Pope Francis. The reason why I tell you that he's the most dangerous man on the planet is because he has the capacity for dragging millions of souls from a state of grace to a state of sin and eternal damnation. First of all Jorge Bergoglio is not Pope and the reason is that the resignation of Pope Benedict was canonically invalid. This has been established very, very clearly by the analysis given by Brother Alexis Bugnolo who points out very clearly that in order to renounce the papacy one must renounce the office as well as the ministry. Benedict the Sixteenth only renounced the ministry and tried in a way to bifurcate the papal office and hang on to the office or the munus. And the evidence that he did is very, very clear both in his renunciation statement and in statements that he made afterwards in which he said he will always remain in the enclosure of St. Peter. He still wears the white papal garb, still wears the papal ring, still uses the title “His Holiness” and so all the evidence clearly indicates from a canonical standpoint that Pope Benedict XVI is still pope, which makes Jorge Bergoglio an anti-pope, improperly elected. He's not the first anti-pope. There's been more than anti-popes in church history. But what's worse is that this anti-pope has got numerous heresies. Now I have documented everything I'm going to tell you in this short video on our website and you can drill down and find all the evidence of the heresies, the canonical arguments for the invalidity of his Conclave, the Conclave that elected Jorge Bergoglio. It's all invalid. I'm not going to go through the detail because that's available on our website, but I'm going to mention some very specific highlights. In Amoris Laetitia, the infamous encyclical that has got numerous heresies, Jorge Bergoglio says “no one can be condemned forever for that would be contrary to the logic of the gospel.” Well this is a blatant heresy. This is in essence denying the existence of hell, denying the existence of eternal condemnation, which our Lord Jesus Christ clearly speaks to us about. So we know that that is simply not true because for thousands of years the teaching has been very, very clear, that anyone who dies in a state of mortal sin is going to be condemned forever. Jorge Bergoglio has a misconception of mercy. The mercy of God is not to mercifully accept our sin; the mercy of God is to forgive us after we have repented and I'm very thankful because of all my sins that I have had the opportunity to repent from and be forgiven. That is the mercy of God. One thing that you'll find in the teachings of Jorge Bergoglio is that he's constantly referring to the commandments in a different way than is traditionally referred to. He likes to refer to them as words. In his June 20th, 2018 private audience in Rome which is very well documented and again you can find the exact words on our website, he refers to the Ten Commandments as words because words, he believes, are more loving than Commandments. Commandments are for slaves and Commandments he says do not engender dialogue, whereas words engender dialogue. Well we see the kind of dialogue that Jorge Bergoglio wants to engage in. He wants to dilute the commandments. For example, the sixth commandment, you shall not commit adultery; he finds that if someone is divorced and remarried and living in a state of adultery, that maybe they're really not sinning after they use a period of discernment and talk to God and talk to their pastor and come to the conclusion that they're really not in a state of mortal sin. They're really not violating a commandment and therefore they can receive Holy Communion and life goes on. But you'll find that what is really most disturbing about his idea of Commandments being words is when you think about it like this God wrote the Ten Commandments in stone. He did not intend dialogue. We cannot answer him back by writing in stone. There was no dialogue intended. What was intended was perfect clarity of the truth. So when we approach the Ten Commandments we are not to approach them with the idea that by engaging in dialogue we can somehow adjust the Ten Commandments to meet our human condition, which may not be optimal. Rather we must always look at the Ten Commandments as being absolutes that we have to try to achieve and bring our moral life in accord with those Commandments and to fulfill the Commandments in spirit and in truth. Now Bergoglio likes to call some people Phariseal because they behave like Pharisees. Well the problem with the Pharisees was not that they were too rigid. The problem with the Pharisees is that they distorted the commandments to meet their own greedy ends. For example, the commandment to honor your father and mother they distorted to make sure that people paid lots of money to the temple rather than support their parents. This was a distortion of the commandments. But Christ Himself said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law. I've not come to abolish the law, not one iota of the law, until it is all fulfilled. And we hear again many teachings from Jesus telling us to be absolutely completely well prepared for the heavenly banquet. And when someone shows up at the heavenly banquet who's not in wedding dress and not in proper banquet attire, meaning that they have not repented and been baptized in the name of Jesus, what happens to that person? Jesus tells us that he will be thrown out into the darkness where they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So if we ask ourselves as Christians was Christ rigid? Absolutely! He was absolutely rigid. Jesus says, “If your hand offends you, cut it off. Better to go through life maimed with one hand than to have your whole body thrown into hell with two hands. We see increasing turmoil in the church as prophesied by Mary at Our Lady of Akita - Cardinals against Cardinals, bishops against bishops. The forces of evil will enter right into the hierarchy of the church. This is hard for many Catholics to believe and accept because Jesus said he will be with his church until the end of time and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. Indeed the gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ's Church, which includes the triumphant Church in heaven. And it's the triumphant Church in heaven that will come down from heaven and become the bride of Jesus Christ. In the meantime we can expect all kinds of trouble with our current church here on earth. Now I want to come back to another point about Jorge Bergoglio. Jorge Bergoglio completely fulfills 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. The one who will be restraining is going to be removed. That was Benedict, after the apostasy. We've had apostasy for the last 50 years. And then the lawless one will appear. Jorge Bergoglio is the lawless one. The evidence is overwhelming because his whole approach is to undermine the law. As we've said many times, on our website you can find an article entitled,"The Evidence that Jorge Bergoglio is the Lawless One.” And you can drill down to all the references, all the heresies, all the false teachings. I'm giving you this my friends to encourage you to participate in the life of the church in the role that Mary has for all of her people and all of her children, to pray the Rosary and join the great Armada. Join the forces of heaven against the forces of evil and do not be dismayed. And there's one final point I'd like to make. A lot of people are concerned about the issue of schism. A lot of people think that if there's a church and an anti-Church that there must be a physical separation between the two. There is no physical separation between the church and the anti-Church. This is a very important concept to understand. There does not need to be a physical separation. We do not need to talk about one parish being an anti-Church and the other parish being a Church. That's not what is happening at all. What is happening is that the false doctrine of the anti-Church is invading and creeping in to all parts of the whole church, rendering part of it false and part of it true. And the part that is most false contains two items that in my opinion are at the top of the list. The first falsehood is the condoning or tacit acceptance of contraception and the second falsehood of the anti-Church is the falsehood of sodomy being acceptable and gay marriages being acceptable - a complete contradiction to the traditional Magisterial teaching of the Church. I encourage all people who hear this video to resist these things long after I'm gone from this world and as long as it's necessary until the final battle is over. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Go forth and learn the truth!